Our Current Measurement Probes stand as indispensable accessories, providing versatile solutions for accurate current measurements. Whether working with a clamp meter, a series ammeter, or a shunt resistor, our probes accommodate various current measurement devices, adapting to the specific needs of your application.
Application example 01
The electrical diagram below illustrates the utilization of a probe designed for external current measurement using clamp ammeters with the relay in operation. The relay remains connected throughout the insertion and removal procedures, ensuring there are no interferences in its readings.
Application example 02
The electrical diagram below illustrates the utilization of a probe designed for external current measurement using a series ammeter or a shunt. The relay is disconnected by the probe insertion. Though the make-before-break system ensures continues CT shorting the whole procedure. This electrical configuration allow for simultaneous CT measurement and secondary injection operations.
It is of vital importance to note that probes compatible with shunt or series ammeters DO NOT automatically short-circuit current transformer circuits upon insertion into the test block. These types of probes must always be correctly connected to a measurement instrument or a shunt before insertion into the test block, to prevent the creation of an open current transformer circuit.
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